Louise Schmidt Zettel at home in Chicago (~1970)

 Collection: Petersen

Mary Elizabeth, Carl, Dororthy Jatho, Kingman, Arizona (~1970)

 Collection: Jatho

Four generations in Chicago: Ruth Schallanberger Jatho (wife of George Jatho), Audrey Jatho Bi [more] (1972)

 Collection: Jatho

Adelaide and sons (left to right) Edgar Sr., Kenneth Sr., Adelaide, Norwood "Jack", Joseph Cha [more] (~1972)

 Collection: Jatho

Adelaide Gadpaille Jatho and Billy the kitten (~1972)

 Collection: Jatho

Nessie and Larry Swedlund and their two children. Nessie is the daughter of Marie (MacLaughlan [more] (~1974)

 Collection: Maclaughlan

Ruth Shallanberger Jatho, Chicago. (1975)

 Collection: Jatho

Carol Jatho (daughter of Jim and Jackie) and Charles McClure, Chicago wedding, March 15 (1975)

 Collection: Jatho