Wedding of Mary Elizabeth Jatho and Paul Malek, June 3 (1951)

 Collection: Jatho

Left (standing): Lolus Bruns Skiba, Margaret "Alma" Gohr Meyers, her sister Bertha Bruns, Alma [more] (~1951)

 Collection: Gohr

Tom in his woodshop at Swannee Lane, West Covina (~1952)

 Collection: Maclaughlan

Formal portrait of Marie and Alva MacLaughlan (~1952)

 Collection: Maclaughlan

Celebrating Tom MacLaughlan's birthday: Bertha Bruns (mother in law), Lolus Skiba (sister in l [more] (1952)

 Collection: Maclaughlan

George Bruns and daughter Betsy, probably in Minnesota (~1952)

 Collection: Bruns

Alva MacLaughlan Jr. and son Bob in Florida (~1952)

 Collection: Maclaughlan

Marie Meyers, Alma Gohr Meyers with baby granddaughter Priscilla, Paula and Phyllis Meyers wit [more] (1952)

 Collection: Gohr