Lorraine at Big Bear on her honeymoon (1947)

 Collection: Maclaughlan

Marie Jatho MacLaughlan, Chicago. (~1947)

 Collection: Jatho

Alva and Marie MacLaughlan, Bertha Bruns, Lorraine Bruns, Thomas MacLaughlan (1947)

 Collection: Maclaughlan

Marie Jatho MacLaughlan, her husband Alva MacLaughlan, Ethel Jatho Crossey (Marie's sister), D [more] (~1947)

 Collection: Jatho

Marie MacLaughlan and Bertha Bruns, Easter Sunday (1947)

 Collection: Maclaughlan

Three generations in Chicago: Ruth Schallanberger Jatho, Audrey Jatho Bischoff, Connie Bischof [more] (1947)

 Collection: Jatho

Tom and sister Dolores, Easter Sunday (1947)

 Collection: Maclaughlan

Lorraine Bruns at work, the Balfour Guthrie Company, in Los Angeles, in January (1947)

 Collection: Bruns