Lolus Bruns, wedding portrait 13 Oct 1945, Chicago, Illinois
Collection: Bruns

Bedford Lodge, Palo Verde, Arizona, managed by Clarence and Dora Petersen
Collection: Petersen

Tom and a dog
Collection: Maclaughlan

Lolus Bruns marries Leo Skiba of McKeesport, Pennsylvania in Chicago, Illinois
Collection: Bruns

Lolus Skiba and her mother Bertha Bruns, Chicago, Illinois
Collection: Bruns

Jack Burrill, Jack's mother Laura Bruns Burrill, and Jack's aunt Bertha Bruns, Chicago
Collection: Bruns

Alva and Marie MacLaughlan in front of their Chicago home
Collection: Maclaughlan

George and Ruth (Shallanberger) Jatho in Chicago.
Collection: Jatho