Coffee mug

Straight sided, non-concave, footed white ceramic with colored ring near the top, provenance unknown, 1940.


Sullivan's Travels

Preston Sturges, 1940

Sully to waiter: Give me a cup of coffee and a donut, if that's enough for it.
Waiter: You want it plain or with powdered sugar?
Sully: With a little cream.
Waiter: The sinker?
Sully: Any kind, or some rolls. I don't care.
Waiter: Yes, sir.
Lady: Give him some ham and eggs.
Waiter: Yes, ma'am.
Sully: That's very kind of you sister, but I'm not hungry. A cup of coffee and a sinker will fix me up fine.
Lady: Don't be a sucker. Give him some ham and eggs. The way I'm fixed, 35 cents isn't going to make any difference.
Sully: Things a little tough, huh?
Lady I wouldn't be sitting in an owl wagon for local color.... Drink your coffee while it's hot.


One of the most delightful aspects is the cat’s serene conviction of equality.

— Margaret Cooper Gay


Trying to be Sherlock Holmes is like trying to catch an arrow in mid-flight.

— Jeremy Brett


She had stupendous courage, a faith in the outcome of honest endeavor.

— Arts Education Policy Review about Adelaide Alsop Robineau


“Find yourself a cup of tea, the teapot is behind you. Now tell me about hundreds of things.”

— H.H. Munro (Saki)