On the Road

Jack Kerouac, 1957


Eddie and I sat down in a kind of homemade diner. I heard a great laugh, the greatest laugh in the world, and here came this rawhide old-timer Nebraska farmer with a bunch of other boys in the diner; you could hear his raspy cries clear across the plains, across the whole gray world of them that day. Everybody else laughed with him. He didn't have a care in the world and had the hugest regard for everybody. I said to myself, Wham, listen to that man laugh. That's the West, here I am in the West. He came booming into the diner, calling Maw's name, and she made the sweetest cherry pie in Nebraska, and I had some with a mountainous scoop of ice cream on top.


One of the most delightful aspects is the cat’s serene conviction of equality.

— Margaret Cooper Gay


Trying to be Sherlock Holmes is like trying to catch an arrow in mid-flight.

— Jeremy Brett


She had stupendous courage, a faith in the outcome of honest endeavor.

— Arts Education Policy Review about Adelaide Alsop Robineau


“Find yourself a cup of tea, the teapot is behind you. Now tell me about hundreds of things.”

— H.H. Munro (Saki)